Bodyweight Fitness Articles


How Superman Got His Abs Of Steel

"How Superman Got His Abs Of Steel"

Here are the full instructions for doing Superman Push-
Ups. They powerfully target your abs and your lower back.

Sit-ups and crunches can't even come close to the
effectiveness of Superman Push-ups. The reason why is
because Superman Push-Ups force you to make a much harder
contraction than regular sit-ups and crunches.

Here's an article with pictures.

Actually, I have an even better and more convenient way to
create those six-pack abs you've always wanted. 

These other exercises create just as powerful if not more
powerful abdominal contractions, but they can be done
anywhere and anytime. No need to lie down on the floor. Get
ready to melt fat and build a ripped six-pack stomach while
at your job or at home.

They are both more effective than crunches and sit-ups.
One of them I do while sitting in my chair and typing. Or
while I watch T.V. And I can even do it while lying in bed,
standing or walking.

In fact, I'll do one right now and I'll tell you how long
it took me to do it... 1, 2, 3, 4. That was only four
seconds long and it was super intense. Plus I did it while
sitting in my chair and writing this email to you. Nothing
could be simpler in developing a beautiful stomach. You can
do this while at work and no one will notice.

So how can you learn these exercises? You can learn them
and many extra fat burning and muscle building, bodyweight
exercises, by spending less than half the price of a
session with a personal trainer. Get yourself a copy of my
Lightning Speed Fitness Program (LSFP) and you'll start
molding your ideal body and you'll get access to these
super powerful and convenient abdominal exercises.

You'll be able to do these exercises for the rest of your
life and you won't need to pay for a personal trainer even
once. I even provide frëe coaching in our member's only
forum. You'll save so much money and time with LSFP.

Imagine never needing to drive to go a gym again. No more
boring and dangerous weight lifting. So many people get
serious injuries from weight lifting, even people who have
been doing it for years and are experts. I know because
it's happened to me many times as well.

You'll never again have to buy space wasting and expensive
exercise gadgets like that $2,000 "Bow Thingy" and the
like. Who needs that stuff when "Your Body Is The Gym." You
have over 200 potent exercise bands already built into your

This is also the perfect travel workout. All you need is
some floor space and you can get super-fit just about
anywhere at any time you please. No more waiting for your
favorite exercise machine at the gym. This is such a time
saver. You can exercise anytime you want in the "privacy"
of your own home.

I believe the Lightning Speed Fitness Program is the best
fitness value you can get anywhere. Please consider joining
today. You'll be well on your way to those sleek and sexy
six-pack abs, but it's much more than that, it's a total
body, energy and fitness transformation.

Go take a look:

To Your Radiant Health, Happiness, Fitness and Freedom, Roger Haeske



Roger Haeske's

Lightning Speed
Fitness Program

Lightning Speed Fitness Program

Build A Ripped, Lean And Athletic Body With Two Easy Exericises, In 15 Minutes A Day.

Get Fit Anywhere Because Your Body Is The Gym!