Bodyweight Fitness Articles


Build Rock Solid, Ripped Abs, Anytime, Anywhere

I took today's fitness tip from part of a post,
at the Lightning Speed Fitness Program, Private
Forum. In the next few minutes, you're going to
learn how to get the most intense ab workout
possible, producing rock solid, ripped abs.

The best part about this special exercise
technique is that you can do it anywhere, while
you are working at your desk, while walking,
watching T.V. or lying down in bed or on the floor.

The original post is # 219 and is titled: Build
Huge Biceps & Get A Total Body Workout -- Without
Weights. If you want to read the complete
article, you can do so only after becoming a

To join the Lighting Speed Fitness Program and
get access to the private forum, go here now:

"Build Rock Solid, Ripped Abs, Anytime, Anywhere"
With: The Super Squeeze Technique

Another amazing thing you can do with DVR is ab
workouts. I started doing this one day while
watching T.V. I was just lying on my couch, when
I realized I could be strongly flexing my
abdominal muscles. It was amazing; I was watching
TV and getting a super ab workout at the same time.

I flexed my abs as hard as I could. I almost
passed out a couple of times. If I were standing
up, I might have keeled over. Note you don't have
to flex so hard, it depends on the kind of
results you want to get. You can flex at medium
power but simply hold the contraction for a
longer period of time.

Be careful not to do this in the car. One time I
almost crashed because I started losing
consciousness while heavily contracting my abs
while driving. Luckily I didn't completely lose

Even as I'm typing this sentence, I'm tightly
contracting my abs. This means you can do this
while at work. In addition, no one will look
funny at you because you can do it without being
too obvious.

The next day after I experimented with the Super
Squeeze, I really felt it in my abs. I have been
doing this kind of exercise throughout the day,
ever since. Now I don't need to do a separate ab
workout. I just do these Super Squeezes while
doing other things. These can even replace
Superman pushups.

I do ab contractions while doing other daily
activities as well. I even do them in the morning
while waking up and while I'm still in the bed.
You can do them while standing, sitting or lying

One great way to get results is to curl your
chin towards your chest and then squeeze as hard
as you can with your abdominal muscles. Then try
squeezing in all different positions and from
different angles.

What you are doing is simply pulling your ab
muscles inward, but doing it powerfully. Believe
it or not, this is much more powerful than doing
sit-ups or crunches because the Super Squeeze
creates a much more powerful contraction.

Try mentally focusing on your lower abs. Or
twist in one direction and then squeeze very
hard. Then twist in the other direction and

Breathing is very important. If you take a deep
breath and hold it you can create super powerful
resistance, but you have to be careful you don't
accidentally knock yourself out.

Another technique is to simply take a deep
breath but gradually let some air out of your
mouth as you strongly flex your abdominal muscles.

With this DVR concept (DVR is explained at the
forum) and the Lightning Speed Fitness Program,
you can condition and build powerful muscles in
every part of your body without going to a gym or
lifting weights. Give it a try, I think you'll be
surprised at how much of a pump you can get by
doing this.

To Your Radiant Health, Happiness, Fitness and Freedom,
Roger Haeske


Roger Haeske's

Lightning Speed
Fitness Program

Lightning Speed Fitness Program

Build A Ripped, Lean And Athletic Body With Two Easy Exericises, In 15 Minutes A Day.

Get Fit Anywhere Because Your Body Is The Gym!