Bodyweight Fitness Articles


7 Second Abs

"A Ripped Ab Exercise, Anyone, of any Fitness
Level, Can Do Anywhere and Without Equipment"

I have two great exercises I want to tell you
about. One of them is a special way to do basic
pushups and get a great abdominal workout. I'll
show you exactly how to do it in this email. The
other exercise is the 7 Second Abs exercise that
is available only to members of the Lightning
Speed Fitness Program.

*** 7 Second Abs ***

You can just forget about all the fancy
abdominal exercise equipment out there. You don't
need an Ab Roller, Ab Chair or the Ab Slider. You
can get a powerful abdominal workout by just
changing how you breathe.

The whole exercise takes 7 seconds and is very
easy to do.

A great side benefit is this exercise forces you
to take super deep breaths. It literally forces
you to suck in all the air you possibly can. Did
you know that increased oxygen consumption
actually helps you burn more fat?

I've just added this exercise to Lightning Speed
Fitness Program. It's located in the Member's
Only Forum.

The Lightning Speed Fitness Program is always
getting better because of what I add in the
forums. Plus if you have any questions you can
ask me and get an answer.

You can find out more by visiting here:


Here's another post I just added to the forum,
that I'm making available to you now. I'm going
to show you a way to get a great Abdominal
workout from doing Basic or Military Style Pushups.

** Get a great Abdominal Workout From Basic
Pushups **

If you do regular pushups, you are not only
working your chest, arms, and shoulders, but you
are also exercising your abdominal muscles.

But if you want to maximize the abdominal part
of the workout you must keep strict form. The
better your form, the more it works your stomach
or abdominal muscles. Of course, you'll be able
to do less pushups per set, but you'll be getting
a better and more complete body workout.

When you get into a Military or Basic Pushup
make sure your body is lined up completely
straight. As you go down the only thing that
should be moving is your arms. Your torso and
legs must remain 100% rigid to get the best
abdominal workout.

Here's another way to look at it:

Make sure your chest hits the ground and not
your stomach. Of course, this approach won't work
if you have a big belly. But you can still get a
great abdominal workout by keeping your upper
body completely straight, throughout the whole

Make sure that your but isn't sticking straight
up in the air. That reduces the effectiveness of
the pushup. Your torso should be one straight line.

If you do 100 pushups or more in good form
throughout the day, you'll get the additional
benefit of getting a great abdominal workout as
well. You'll see your belly fat shrink, and your
upper body getting stronger and more muscular.

To Your Radiant Health, Happiness and Fitness,
Roger Haeske

P.S. Learn how to do that powerful abdominal
exercise by ordering a copy of the Lightning
Speed Fitness Program. The best value for your
exercise money. Your life will never be the same.

To Your Radiant Health, Happiness, Fitness and Freedom,
Roger Haeske


Roger Haeske's

Lightning Speed
Fitness Program

Lightning Speed Fitness Program

Build A Ripped, Lean And Athletic Body With Two Easy Exericises, In 15 Minutes A Day.

Get Fit Anywhere Because Your Body Is The Gym!